Summoned by the legendary Emperor Yao, the Hero is called back into the East to deal with a demonic threat that has been ravaging the land after the Telkine was slain.
Summoned by the legendary Emperor Yao, the Hero is called back into the East to deal with a demonic threat that has been ravaging the land after the Telkine was slain. Upon tracking it down, the Hero and his comrades realize that the appearance of the ancient peril, Qiong Qi, was no mere coincidence and that something much more sinister is afoot...
Eternal Embers Quest
New 11th mastery
30+ new enemies and bosses
New weapons and gear
Additional gameplay mechanics
Technical improvements
TQ tools improvements
© 2021 THQ Nordic AB, Sweden. Developed by Digital Arrow. Titan Quest, THQ and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Nordic AB. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
Steam account is required for game activation and installation.
This content requires the base game Titan Quest Anniversary Edition on Steam in order to play.
Windows Requirements
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