Stan, a professional diver in the North Sea, is struggling to overcome a life-changing loss during an extended mission underwater. Stuck in his self-imposed solitude, he starts to experience strange events and will have to make the most significant choice of his life...
Under The Waves is a narrative-driven adventure game about the engulfing power of grief. Set in the depths of the North Sea in a techno-futuristic 1970s, professional diver Stan is struggling to overcome a life-changing loss and embrace a new future. The isolation of the deep sea is a fitting manifestation of his state of mind, and as Stan retreads further into his self-imposed solitude, he starts to experience strange events far beneath the waves. He will eventually have to make a difficult choice...
A love letter to the oceans, Under The Waves invites you to dive into a gorgeous underwater world, brought to life in a poetic blend of cinematic visuals and poignant storytelling. Live a gripping story through Stan’s eyes and guide him through an unforeseen series of events that will bring him deeper and deeper into the abyss, the reflection of his own psyche.
Wander the vast seabed piloting Stan’s submarine and encounter the beautiful wildlife, Stan’s only company while he’s trapped in his own mind. Explore caves, wrecks, and underwater plants with Stan’s special wetsuit, following the mysterious manifestations of his memories, to find a way back to the surface and save his life. Collect materials and craft equipment that will help Stan navigate further on this self-discovery expedition. You will have to dare get off the beaten track to experience mesmerizing moments and reveal more about the tragic past he is trying to escape...
Under The Waves © 2023 Parallel Studio. Published by Quantic Dream. Under The Waves, Parallel Studio and the Parallel Studio logo are trademarks of Parallel Studio. Quantic Dream and Quantic Dream logos are trademarks of Quantic Dream S.A.S. All rights reserved.
Steam account is required for game activation and installation.
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Under The Waves © 2023 Parallel Studio. Published by Quantic Dream. Under The Waves, Parallel Studio and the Parallel Studio logo are trademarks of Parallel Studio. Quantic Dream and Quantic Dream logos are trademarks of Quantic Dream S.A.S. All rights reserved.
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