The country of Grand Chien is thrown into chaos when the elected president goes missing and the paramilitary force known as “the Legion” seizes control. Hire mercs, meet interesting characters, and fight in tactically deep turn-based combat in this true successor to a beloved franchise.
Grand Chien, a nation of rich natural resources and deep political divides, is thrown into chaos when the elected president goes missing and a paramilitary force known as “The Legion” seizes control of the countryside. Now, the President’s family has pulled together all their resources, including an arrangement with the powerful Adonis corporation, to hire a group of skilled mercenaries tasked with finding the President and bringing order back to the country.
In Jagged Alliance 3, select from a huge cast of mercenaries all with their own unique personalities, quirks, and backstories. Then go out and explore Grand Chien as you meet new people, earn money, grow your team, and ultimately make your own decisions that will decide the country’s fate.
© 2023 THQ Nordic AB, Sweden. Developed by Haemimont Games. Jagged Alliance, THQ and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Nordic AB. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
Steam account is required for game activation and installation.
Windows Requirements
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Je ontvangt een digitale code, die je direct kunt activeren (Niet van toepassing op pre-orders)
Ontvang uw code snel na betaling (digitaal, geen fysieke levering)
DreamGame is een geautoriseerde wederverkoper
PC Windows
Haemimont Games
Datum van publicatie:
Dit product kan niet worden geactiveerd in de volgende landen::
Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, Myanmar, Russia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Georgia, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Suriname, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Hong Kong