Enter the colorful world of West Wallaby Street in a series of four cracking adventures brought to you by Aardman Animations, the creators of the Wallace & Gromit animated films, and award-winning Telltale Games.
Enter the colorful world of West Wallaby Street in a series of four cracking adventures brought to you by Aardman Animations, the creators of the Wallace & Gromit animated films, and award-winning Telltale Games. As with the brilliant Aardman films, each Wallace & Gromit episode finds the earnest inventor and his faithful canine companion embarking on ambitious new ventures laced with unexpected (and always laugh-inducing) complications.
Giant bees, kidnapped dogs, a beach resort in the cellar and the finale at the Prickly Thicket country club. Take the duo through trials and tribulations to set things right by tea time!
Wallace attempts to save his bumbling honey business with supersized flowers. This leads to an unintended consequence - giant bees! - and Gromit must save the town from the angry swarm!
Wallace & Gromit turn their basement into a beach resort when rains derail their holiday plans. After a resort guest gets bonked by an unknown assailant, Gromit and the deduct-o-matic invention must solve the case!
Town newcomer Monty Muzzle is holding a fundraiser to rebuild the local dog shelter. Gromit discovers that Muzzle's intentions aren't exactly charitable, and he must foil Muzzle's plot and rescue his canine friends.
Wallace has been admitted to Prickly Thicket, the oldest country club in Lancashire. Wallace and his faithful caddie Gromit get caught up in a club dispute, then must fight to save all they hold dear!
Software Code © 2016-2020 LCG Entertainment, Inc. Telltale, Telltale Games, and the Telltale logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of LCG Entertainment, Inc. Produced under licence from Wallace and Gromit Limited. Wallace & Gromit characters © and TM Wallace and Gromit Limited 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Steam account is required for game activation and installation.
Windows Requirements
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Je ontvangt een digitale code, die je direct kunt activeren (Niet van toepassing op pre-orders)
Ontvang uw code snel na betaling (digitaal, geen fysieke levering)
DreamGame is een geautoriseerde wederverkoper
PC Windows
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