SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning Lab 4

The new SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning Lab 4 is the ideal tool for easily digitizing, cleaning and restoring audio recordings. The high-performance audio restoration software boasts high-quality cleaning and mastering plug-ins, intuitive operation and fast results in captivating hi-fi sound. Experience your treasured vinyl and cassette collection in clear and professional sound.

SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning Lab 4
The specialist tool for cleaning and restoration

The new SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning 4 Lab offers hi-fi sound for the most demanding work. This high-quality collection of effective cleaning & restoration tools offers impressive technological precision and exceptionally clean tonal characteristics. Digitize records, CDs, cassettes and other analog recordings in only a few clicks. Eight audio tracks offer plenty of space for professional editing as well as audio and video sound optimization. The software also features high-performance plug-ins such as Steinberg SpectraLayers Elements 8, iZotope RX8 Elements, practical 1-click solutions, numerous presets and powerful 64-bit technology.


  • NEW! modernEQ
  • NEW! Track controls
  • NEW! Preset search in the plug-in browser
  • NEW! Loudness visualization
  • NEW! Improved audio engine and ARA2 support
  • NEW! SpectraLayers Elements 8


  • Powerful 64-bit technology
  • iZotope RX 8 Elements
  • iZotope Ozone 9 Elements
  • VST3 interface for seamless integration of external plug-ins
  • Professional tools for precision audio editing

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For Microsoft Windows 10 | 11
64-bit systems
All MAGIX programs are developed with user-friendliness in mind so that all the basic features run smoothly and can be fully controlled, even on low-performance computers. You can check your computer's technical data in your operating system's control panel.

Processor: 1 GHz
Graphics card: Onboard, minimum resolution 1280 x 768
Available drive space: 1 GB für program installation
Optical drive: CD or DVD drive
Internet connection: Required for activating and validating the program, as well as for some program functions. Program requires one-time registration.

Supported import formats
Disc: Audio-CD/DVD, Data-CD/DVD
Audio: WAV, MP3, AAC1, WMA, FLAC, OGG Vorbis, AIFF, M3U, CUE
Video: MPEG-21, MPEG-4 (incl. AVCHD)1, MOV, WMV, MXV, AVI

Supported export formats
Disc: Audio-CD, Data-CD/DVD
Audio: WAV, MP32 , AAC1 , WMA, FLAC, OGG Vorbis, AIFF, M3U
Video: MPEG-21 , MPEG-4 (incl. AVCHD)1 , MOV, WMV, MXV, AVI

1 Requires initial free online activation
2 MP3 export with Windows Media Player 10 or higher

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PC Windows
MAGIX Software GmbH


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