At the very last moment the Fairy Land was saved from the dark shadows. But now absolute chaos is threatening its peaceful denizens. King Feodor asks the magic Fairies for help. Are you ready to face this challenge? Play your cards right and solve many challenging quests.
At the very last moment the idyllic Fairy Land and its peaceful denizens were saved from the dark shadows. But now everything's changed! The fight against evil has left its marks all over the kingdom. It's a huge mess! King Feodor once again needs your help to restore peace and order in his realm. The mail system is no longer working at all, and all scrolls have been randomly scattered all over the realm. The three Towers of the Elements which provide the lands with energy are no longer under control and need to be recalibrated immediately to prevent even more mayhem. And it's become obvious that the threats of pollution haven't been banished in some parts of the realm. Many fairies have become lost and confused amidst the chaos. Only a special potion could help them. A total of nine challenging tasks like adventure, hidden object and puzzle levels await you.
Play your cards right in almost 100 Solitaire levels and save the Fairy Land. 4 courageous elves will help you with their magical powers!
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DreamGame ialah penjual semula yang sah
PC Windows
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Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, Myanmar, Russia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe