From snapshot to finished picture: Stay organized every step of the way! The new design of MAGIX Photo Manager Deluxe makes working with your digital photos and archiving videos faster and easier. Optimize your image collections, easily keep track of photos and videos, protect your media from unwanted access and present everything on your PC, on the Internet or on your mobile device. MAGIX Photo Manager Deluxe makes working with your digital photos and archiving videos faster and easier. Optimize your image collections, easily keep track of photos and videos, protect your media from unwanted access and present everything on your PC, on the Internet or on your mobile device. It is the ideal solution for making every step of the digital photo editing process efficient and productive. The program's user-friendliness and wide variety of high-quality tools allow you to centrally manage your image and video archives. Discover the new Photo Manager Deluxe now.
Your images – organized and optimized
Organize your photo and video collections with MAGIX Photo Manager Deluxe. Improve the look of your photos in just a few clicks, protect your files from unauthorized access and your finished work on the PC or online.
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MAGIX Software GmbH
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