ACID Pro 11

ACID Pro 11 takes loop-based music production one step further. Since its historic invention of today’s industry standard in 1998, ACID offers the most extensive options for arranging, editing and resampling audio. Countless artists have relied on ACID and its workflow to create some of the most famous compositions in IDM and EDM.

ACID Pro 11. The original production toolkit.

ACID Pro 11 is a digital audio workstation that introduced the loop-based workflow in 1998. ACID offers extensive options for arranging, editing and resampling audio through ACIDized loops, a format exclusively used in this DAW. Countless artists have relied on ACID and its workflow to create some of the most famous compositions in IDM and EDM. Plug-ins from world-renowned partners like BRAINWORX and iZotope make ACID Pro 11 the ultimate all-in-one music production solution from recording the first stem to mastering the whole track.


  • BRAINWORX bx_masterdesk: mixing console
  • BRAINWORX bx_console N: mixing console
  • iZotope Ozone 9 Elements: mastering tool
  • New ACIDized loops content
  • MAGIX modernEQ: Equalizer
  • MAGIX VariVerb II: algorithmic reverb
  • MAGIX Independence Pro: sample library


  • The all-in-one music production solution from recording to mastering
  • ACIDized loops & samples: groundbreaking timestretching und pitching
  • hardware integration: MIDI-playable chopper
  • MAGIX morph pads: creative effects
  • Celemony Melodyne 5 essential: autotune effect
  • ACID Pro in-app store

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Magix entertainment
PC Windows
MAGIX Software GmbH
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