Sort, stack, and organize even more household objects in the new Cupboards & Drawers expansion for A Little to the Left! A deep cleaning of all the bins and boxes, nooks and crannies, and forgotten corners of the home.
Sort, stack, and organize household objects into particular arrangements in A Little to the Left: Cupboards & Drawers. Prepare to clean out the cabinets and secret compartments of the home with even more charming illustrations, surprising scenarios, and 25 delightful new Cupboards & Drawers themed puzzles to discover.
© 2023 Max Inferno Studio Inc. All rights reserved. Published and distributed by Secret Mode Limited. Secret Mode Limited is part of Sumo Group plc.
SECRET MODE, the SECRET MODE logos and the crossed keys controller logo are registered trade marks of Sumo Group plc.
Steam account is required for game activation and installation.
This content requires the base game A Little to the Left on Steam in order to play.
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Mac OS Requirements
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