
Arcade shoot-’em-up action is back! Team up with the entire family for explosive action, signature humor and thrilling adventure. Join the Sausage Bomber Corps for daring missions to defend the nations of Relishtonia and more against the world-conquering ambitions from the mysterious Vega Nation.

Arcade Shooter Action Is Back!

Team up with the entire family for explosive action, signature humor, and thrilling adventure. Join the Sausage Bomber Corps for daring missions to defend the nations of Fredonia, Relishtonia, Krautsbourg, Dijon Terre and more against the world-conquering ambitions from the mysterious Vega Nation!


  • 4 player drop-in / drop-out cooperative play
  • Battle across 9 distinct environments, each with its own enemy types
  • Play as different pilots with unique planes and abilities
  • Hand-drawn sprites and painted backgrounds for that Saturday morning feel
  • Epic battles with over-the-top mega bosses
  • Built-in speedrun support
  • Original soundtrack by composer Dale North (Wizard of Legend, RWBY: Arrowfell, Dreamscaper)

(c) Katsu Entertainment LLC 2022

Steam account is required for game activation and installation.

Windows Requirements


  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: 2.7 GHz
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 3 GB available space

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PC Windows
Katsu Entertainment LLC
Release Date:


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