Slither, coil and climb your way to the top of Haven Tor in this one of a kind physics based, puzzle platform adventure from award winning independent studio Sumo Digital!
When the tranquillity of Haven Tor is interrupted by a mysterious interloper only the unlikeliest of heroes can save the day! Meet Noodle the Snake and his hyperactive best friend, Doodle the Hummingbird, who together must reunite the missing Keystones with the magical gates that give Haven Tor its mythical power. A unique, physics-based puzzle platform game, Snake Pass challenges players to ‘think like a snake’ as they tackle precarious puzzles as only a snake can. Slither through long grass, coil around bamboo and climb out of trouble in the latest game from award-winning independent studio Sumo Digital!
The winner of Sumo Digital’s inaugural Game Jam, Snake Pass was created by Seb Liese as a love letter to both the favourite games of his youth and his childhood pet snake. After winning, a full demo was produced and taken around various public shows where it was met with great enthusiasm by gamers of all ages. Buoyed by its success, full production began when the team returned home to Sumo HQ. The culmination has resulted in Snake Pass, a truly one of a kind game featuring the most unlikely of heroes; Noodle the Snake!
© 2017 Sumo Digital Ltd. All rights reserved. 'Snake Pass' and the 'Snake Pass' logo are trade marks or registered trade marks of Sumo Digital Ltd.
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Windows System requirements
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Sumo Digital
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