Your introduction to video editing: MAGIX Movie Studio 2025 Platinum. With more than 900 creative effects, templates and titles and a variety of practical tools, you can create high-quality videos in no time at all - no prior experience needed. With the new Al functions for creating voiceovers and subtitles and practical workflow improvements, you can now achieve amazing results even faster.
Your introduction to video editing: MAGIX Movie Studio 2025 Platinum. With more than 1,500 creative effects, templates and titles and a variety of practical tools, you can create high-quality videos in no time. Including: Al generated subtitles and voiceovers, Al-powered effects and multi-cam editing - all packed into a modern interface so you can get started right away. Thanks to the INFUSION Engine 3, your video projects are played back smoothly and exported in seconds, while new workflow improvements in chroma keying and the recording function streamline your editing workflow.
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Magix entertainment
PC Windows
MAGIX Software GmbH
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